Faith & Hope

30 Days of Thankfulness Week 4 Final Update

For 30 days I challenged myself to reflect on things that I am grateful for. (See my original 30 Days of Thankfulness post here.) It has been a rewarding exercise these past 30 days, and I’ve found that I’m pausing more often to thank God for even the smallest of things. Here is the final update from my 30 Days of Thankfulness:

Day 22-that God ordered my steps at work to accomplish what I needed to do, for the new excited servers in Kids Ministry, for a helpful husband who is a great daddy, for Cocoa Pebbles cereal (let’s just be real!)

Day 23-for a pleasant experience at the DMV getting my license renewed, for a great time catching up with my friend, for wisdom in parenting

Day 24-that Mace and I were able to get a lot of work done in the nursery, for all the excitement we are feeling over Baby Girl’s arrival, for a much-needed family movie night

Day 25-for all the children who I witnessed get baptized this morning, for their boldness in their faith at such a young age, for a fun movie date night with my husband, for time for Mace and I to talk through some conflict that we’ve been having in our marriage

Day 26-for all the kids God brought to church today and who I got to teach, for an afternoon nap, for a great grow group meeting wrapping up an insightful study

Day 27-that Baby Girl’s heartbeat was good and that I’m measuring right on time, for nice weather to drive downtown to my OB appointment

Day 28-for my chiropractor who helps me feel better, that Bernard is enjoying piano so much and that he’s doing really well with his playing

Day 29-for a day at home with Mace and Bernard, that I got a lot of laundry done so I don’t have to do any on my Birthday, for 30 weeks of pregnancy today, that Baby Girl is healthy and moving like crazy, for the cuddle time with my boys on the couch

Day 30-that I slept great despite all the loud fireworks, for a cool morning that I haven’t felt in a couple of months, for a beautiful clear morning sky, for all the Lord has done and walked us through in my 20’s decade (which ends today)

Pressing on in faith, Jennifer

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