Faith & Hope
“But will God indeed dwell with man on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built!” 2 Chronicles 6:18 In my quiet time one morning recently, I came across this verse. It’s part of a larger passage in which King Solomon is dedicating the temple he had just …
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Infant Loss
Within seconds of waking up on Christmas morning, one of my very first thoughts was, “Merry Christmas, Hannah.” (Hannah is our daughter who passed away in April 2017. You can read more about her here.) It’s not that I thought she could hear me in that moment. But still, it felt right and good to wish her a Merry Christmas. …
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Infant Loss, Infertility
Hello, August. It’s been a while. Well, 11 months to be exact. You look different now than you used to. I once was filled with deep sadness as you approached knowing that another year of infertility had come and gone. You reminded me of my barrenness, my body’s brokenness, the deep unfulfilled longing in my heart. But this year is different. …
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