Infant Loss, Parenting after Loss

Open Letter to All the Mommas Grieving this Mother’s Day

I wrote an Open Letter to all the mommas grieving on this Mother’s Day. If you know of a loss mom, would you please share this with her and pray for her? I want her to feel surrounded in God’s love, grace, and strength tomorrow.  Dear Momma (who has suffered miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, or child loss), I see you. …

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Faith & Hope

Self-Care is NOT Selfish! Why Taking Care of Yourself is So Important

Homeschooling my elementary-aged son. Keeping my 18 month old busy. Continuing to do full-time ministry in a new and different way from home. And supporting my husband and his full-time ministry work. I don’t know about you, but I was a stressball last week. I’m a structured person who thrives on routine so last week hit me hard. I carried …

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Faith & Hope

Do You Not Remember? How Remembering who God is Can Calm your Anxious Heart

“Breathe in…Breathe out…Calm down,” I repeated to myself again and again. It was barely 7:00am, and thoughts about all the things I needed to do that day were swirling around in my mind. Soon, my anxiety over the busyness of the coming months turned that swirl into a Cat 5 hurricane. A heavy weight began crushing my chest. Every minute …

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