Our pastor recently said in a sermon, “If you want to be blessed, admit you’re a mess.” We are walking through the Beatitudes, and he said this in regards to the first Beatitude-“‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’” (You can listen to his sermon here.) He taught that being “poor in spirit” means …
I’m Not There Yet
It’s been 5 months since I’ve sat down to write. So much has happened since July. I could write for days on end about all of the experiences we’ve walked through and all of the ways my faith has grown and is still growing. In upcoming posts I will write more about the journey we have been on, but for …
Hope in the Struggle
I decided I would write about something that I’ve avoided writing about for some time now. I haven’t shared because I didn’t want it to come across as unloving or as me shaming my son. But today is the day I finally write about it. Today is the day I say what needs to be said. Parenting a child from …
30 Days of Thankfulness Week 4 Final Update
For 30 days I challenged myself to reflect on things that I am grateful for. (See my original 30 Days of Thankfulness post here.) It has been a rewarding exercise these past 30 days, and I’ve found that I’m pausing more often to thank God for even the smallest of things. Here is the final update from my 30 Days …
30 Days of Thankfulness Week 3 Update
For the next 30 days, I’m spending time each day thinking about all of the things I am grateful for and giving thanks to God for how He is working in my life. (See my original 30 Days of Thankfulness post here.) This exercise has already been so good for me. I’ve had a better attitude, and I’ve been watching …
30 Days of Thankfulness Update
For the next 30 days, I’m spending time each day thinking about all of the things I am grateful for and giving thanks to God for how He is working in my life. (See my original 30 Days of Thankfulness post here.) This exercise has already been so good for me. I’ve had a better attitude, and I’ve been watching …
30 Days of Thankfulness
I’ve been convicted for a while now that I’m not spending time each day in awareness of all the many things that I should be thankful for. I’m not thanking God for the many blessings He has given me and for the many ways He’s working on my behalf. I decided that for the next 30 days, I’m going to …
What will it be like?
I sat on my bed one morning recently thinking about Heaven and what it will be like to see my daughter Hannah Grace again. Since her death just over a year ago, I’ve thought about what it was like to hold her and see her face to face before she passed, but I hadn’t spent a lot of time really …
School shootings. Syrian refugee crisis. Domestic violence. Innocent people getting killed in American streets. Bullying. The list goes on and on. So much darkness. It seems like every single day we’re hearing stories of people (adults and children) suffering, hurting, and dying. How do we make sense of it all? Can we make sense of it all? Our hearts break …
From where does my help come?
I’ve been slowly reading through a really great chronological Bible reading plan. Today’s reading was from 2 Chronicles 16. I’m reading through it, thinking, “Ok, what am I supposed to learn from this text today?” Then I keep reading a few verses down, and it was like, Bam! That’s what I needed to hear. Have you ever experienced that as …
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