Text says, "Help my Unbelief!" and there is a picture of a flower on top of a book
Faith & Hope

“Help my unbelief!”

I don’t typically use a post from my social media accounts as a blog post. But after posting this morning, I decided to re-post the below post from my Instagram account and Facebook page for those who don’t follow me on social.

Like all of my posts, I hope that these words speak to your heart today!

I absolutely love Mark 9, the passage I read for my Bible Study this morning! In verses 14-29 we see a father who desperately wanted his son to be healed. Ever since he was a child, his son had been possessed by a demon that, like all demons, wanted to absolutely destroy him.

This father comes to Jesus and says, “If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”

Jesus then tells the father that “all things are possible for one who believes.”

Immediately the father responds to Jesus with the most earnest plea:

“I believe; help my unbelief!”

This passage has brought me so much comfort over the years. When I was several months pregnant with my first daughter Hannah, this father’s plea became my plea, too.

As I walked through my pregnancy knowing Hannah had a very short life expectancy due to anencephaly, I cried out to God to help me believe when my faith was weak.

I remember praying something like, “God, I believe You are good and that Your plans are good, but help any part of me that is doubting that right now believe it.”

And you know what, friend? He did.

He didn’t condemn me when I wrestled with all of the weight of my grief. He met me and guided me through my doubt and powerfully, yet tenderly, strengthened my faith.

Friend, if you’re wrestling in your faith right now, know that this father’s plea, for Jesus to help his unbelief, can be your plea, too.

Jesus meets that kind of prayer with compassion and tenderness. He desires to help strengthen your faith as he draws you near to him. He loves you, and he cares deeply for you.

With the same earnestness as the father, cry out to God, “I believe! Help my unbelief, Lord!”

Pressing on in faith,

This is picture was taken almost exactly 4 years ago when I was 8.5 months pregnant with Hannah.
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