Faith & Hope

Reflections on Palm Sunday and Holy Week


No, not the fun-loving, long-haired, singing and dancing ones.

I’m talking about the kind of troll that says something rude and just flat out ugly. That’s the kind of troll who decided to comment on something I posted on Instagram yesterday.

He (someone I don’t know) commented on a video of my son reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible and sharing the Good News.

The comment he made was just not okay, and I immediately deleted it. I felt angry at him and wanted to tell him how wrong his comment was and how I couldn’t believe that he would say something like that. 

But then the Lord invited me to pray for him and to pray that he would come to know Him. He needed Jesus, not some Mama Bear who was ready to attack him. 

My anger turned to compassion as I heard the words of Jesus from Luke 23:34a in my head, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Jesus said those words while he hung on the cross. The perfect Lamb on a bloody cross uttered these words as he looked out on the very people who had crucified him. He felt compassion and love for them, not hate and anger.

That man’s slander against me on IG was terrible. But I should not forget the slander I commit in my heart all the time. I may not publicly say it, but the ugliness of sin is still there.

And let’s not forget to mention the covetousness, jealousy, impatience, pride, and so many other sins that I struggle with. I am far from perfect and in desperate need of a Savior every single minute of every single day.

Speaking of my need for a Savior, today is Palm Sunday, and it kicks off a huge week in the ministry of Jesus.

Today we remember the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as those in the town spread out their cloaks on the ground and waved palm branches. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, they shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

I can only imagine what a surreal experience this must have been for Jesus. As he looked out on the crowd shouting words of praise, he knew that just a few days later, he would be standing before a crowd as they shouted words of hate.

Instead of waving palm branches, this crowd would be waving their fists in disgust.

And just as the people on Palm Sunday laid their cloaks on the ground for the donkey to triumphantly walk over, Jesus would soon be laying his body down in triumph over sin.

As I have thought about the slander I received yesterday, it’s humbling that it was NOTHING compared to the slander committed against Jesus, our Savior, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

And yet, Jesus still had compassion for those who hated him. He still loved them. And he still loves me when I mess up again and again. And he still loves you, too, friend. 

As we begin Holy Week today, point your heart to Jesus and his indescribable love for you. I like to imagine what it would have been like to be a disciple of Jesus in the events leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

We have the advantage that the disciples didn’t have-we know what happens on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday. But imagine what it would have been like in those final days of Jesus’ life on earth as the tension builds heading into His Crucifixion and then His Resurrection.

Then allow yourself to sit in that tension. I recommend picking a gospel and reading the story of Palm Sunday starting today. (You can start in Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, or John 12.) Then continue reading each day this week in that gospel until you arrive at the Crucifixion on Good Friday. (Then of course next weekend continue reading all the way through to Jesus’ Resurrection.)

As you read each day, don’t miss what God might be trying to do in your heart. As my son read in the video, “Make your heart ready!!”

Even if you’ve read it a hundred times before, pray that God’s Word would fall fresh on your heart. His Word is living and powerful and “sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12a, ESV)

Don’t miss it, friend.

{Pray with me} “Lord, please don’t let me miss it this week. Don’t let me miss what you want to do in my heart and mind because of all the craziness and noise going on all around me right now. Help me spend time meditating on your Word. I want to be focused on You this Holy Week and tender to what you want to say to me. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Pressing on in faith, Jennifer

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